When you're 11 years old, there's no money like babysitting money, especially when you're babysitting as a favor to the beautiful Patti Mayonnaise. That's how Doug Funnie finds himself at a neighbor's house, watching their hyperactive and verbose six-year-old, Calvin. However, Calvin's parents are barely out the door before Calvin dons the mantle of Spaceman Spiff and starts firing his zorcher at Doug! Fortunately, Doug, no stranger to the ways of make-believe himself, quickly assumes his Quailman persona, and the battle is joined.

In this battle of imaginary characters, will Smash Adams's rocket shoes prove a match for Stupendous Man's giant school-destroying magnifying glass? Is Tracer Bullet's gun faster than Race Canyon's whip? What dark and shocking secrets about Meganbob's childhood will be revealed? And just how long can Kit crack herself up for when she introduces a particularly imaginative Lightning Round?