Hypothetical: Assume that a mysterious, abandoned space station packed with advanced weapons and technology has suddenly entered Earth's orbit and is now floating there for the taking by any would-be world conqueror in the immediate vicinity. Assume, also, that you are an insane monkey inventor, or perhaps a telepathic ape supervillain. In either case, is there even a 1% chance you don't immediately steal a rocket ship and blast your way up there to lay claim to the alien spoils? Answer: No. No, there is not.

Which is why the vehemently verbose Mojo Jojo and the master of mind control known as Gorilla Grodd have temporarily broken off their respective beefs with the Powerpuff Girls and the Flash to instead do battle with one another -- and to the winner go the shiny death machines! But of course, the situation has not gone completely unnoticed by the planet's protectors. With the rest of Overwatch currently busy dealing with other problems, the genetically engineered Winston loads up his jump pack and tesla cannon and heads to the station himself. And upon his arrival, the three hyper-intelligent apes ditch the fun and games and get down to...monkey business.

Which simian will seize the win? Can Dan strike a balance between doing his Mojo impression and actually making an argument? Which is more permanently damaging to the psyche of Smash Fiction listeners -- Claire's never-ending monkey puns or Kit's relentless animal facts? And is MeganBob...okay?

Special thanks (well, more so than usual) to Kevin McLeod of www.incompetech.com for the use of his songs "Hamster March," "Loping Sting," and "Pinball Spring" during this episode.