Rishi Suri, editor of India's largest Urdu newspaper, the Daily Milap, joins Smarter Cities in a fascinating discussion on India and its place in the world.

India is a rising power. A country of deep history, beloved in Australia for its culture, cuisine and cricket obsession.

It is also the country of my parent’s birth, one I have visited since childhood and one which has always captured my love and imagination.

Governed now by a nationalist administration and a prime minister, Narendra Modi, whose leadership has overwhelmingly been endorsed by the Indian people at multiple elections, India is finding its voice - with a deeper focus on nationalism and an intensified leadership in international affairs.

Rishi Suri is the third generation of his family to serve as editor of the Daily Milap. I took the chance to draw on his deep knowledge to understand what India wants its place in the world to be and what it is doing to get there.