Wellness. What is it and why should it matter to corporates?

These are rather pertinent questions. As the world continues to battle Covid-19, the lines between work and home have blurred, perhaps permanently, and 'zoom calls' have become the norm.

According to a recent study in the Harvard Business Review*, 85 per cent of workers surveyed said they were working longer hours but being less productive. 55 per cent said they were having trouble balancing work and home life, with the consequence that they are feeling less 'well'.

Duncan Young is a specialist on workplace health and wellbeing and advises corporates globally on developing and implementing health and wellbeing programs. He has also developed a specialised wellbeing program called 'Build your ideal day', a 30 day challenge towards managing yourself better.

In this episode, Duncan provides an interesting insight into how small changes to what we do in our daily routines can make material differences to our wellbeing, and why employee wellbeing is critical to improving overall corporate productivity.