So, you made a website layout and it does not look right. What is missing? Well, understanding of design fundamentals makes a big difference. Mor Cohen shares about design fundamentals and related routines for creating beautiful websites. 01. Before the Design Process A client contacts for a possible website design. What all questions do you…

So, you made a website layout and it does not look right. What is missing? Well, understanding of design fundamentals makes a big difference. Mor Cohen shares about design fundamentals and related routines for creating beautiful websites.

01. Before the Design ProcessA client contacts for a possible website design. What all questions do you ask in the start that will form the base and direction of the design later on?A few clients already have pre-decided colors and layout structure through their own research like following competitors. How do you address these pre-decided client ideas of website design and do they even become part of the final design later on?Creating design is very subjective and hence like or dislike for a design vary a lot. In the beginning, how to set client expectation in the right place in this regard?02. The Process of Website DesignWhat is the first step in designing a website layout? Do you make a brand style board or directly start making the design layout?Do you design in a graphics program like Photoshop or prefer cowboy designing directly in the web browser?Do you prefer using SVG format as against PNG for icons and logo designs?03. Selecting ColorsHow do you decide on the color palette for specific website design project? Is it directly based on colors used in the logo or it heavily depends on the type of business in question? Like blue color is generally used on medical websites.Do you consider accessibility while deciding on colors like keeping color contrast high for easy and more accessible consumption?04. Selecting FontsNow we have tons of web fonts available via Google Fonts and even a lot of premium options like Adobe fonts etc.  I follow 2 font methodology where one font is for the headline and other for body text. The third font is sometimes used for secondary highlighting of titles. What is your methodology in selecting the number of fonts to be used in a web design project?The next obvious question, which font should be used? With so many fonts available now, this decision is more difficult than ever? What is your golden rule?05. Design fundamentalsOlder websites were designed for small monitor sizes and hence were kinda one block layouts. Modern websites use white space a lot to keep the focus on the copy text. How important is the white space for you when designing layouts?Once a substantial part of the layout is done, how do you analyze and evaluate the hierarchical flow of the design for possible tweaks to make it even better?Another important aspect of the design is consistency. Many times you would a see a layout with an amazing hero area but sections under it are radically different. Any secrets on adding visual consistency in the design of website layouts?06. Design feedbackAt what point in the website designing process, do you share it with the client for the first feedback?Happy clients are always welcomed but things are difficult when on the other side. How do you deal with client feedback, who is not happy with design work done so far?07. Design Class courseYou are launching the Design Class Course, which is basically a roadmap to build beautiful websites. Why this and why now?According to you, what are the main challenges that people face while designing websites?Mor Cohen’s ToolboxGeneratePress is recommended WordPress theme for client websites.Also use tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Dropmark, and frontify.Used Siteground and now use Liquid Web for website hostingElementor is favorite page builder, also like Beaver Builder.Use Mailer Lite for email marketing needs.About Mor Cohen

I started working as a web designer (used to be called as the desktop publisher) 20 years ago. I started with print work like brochures, business cards, catalogs, powerpoint presentations.

A client for whom I designed a logo asked to make a website, this started my journey in the website design world.

I also did computer-aided designs as a kitchen and bath designer for a few years. Now run FlixFrame agency for designing and developing client websites.

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