Many kids deal with challenges when starting elementary school like finding new friends, adjusting to new teachers, or understanding new concepts; but some deal with those challenges and additional ones that are presented because of learning disabilities.

According to the world health organization, About 15% of the world’s population lives with a disability, this includes about 93 million children and 720 million adults with significant difficulties in functioning.

Jeremy Mutzabaugh, Dauphin County resident and Author of Jeremy, Interrupted and Jeremy’s Realization, said he dealt with academic challenges and bullying because of his learning disability.

"I had to find a way to deal with those students plus a different personality of teachers," Mutzabaugh said. "It was roughly a lesson in me finding the strength to push myself through my grades to get through school."

According to Learning Disabilities Statistics and Prevalence, kids with learning disabilities are 31 percent more likely to be bullied than their classmates without a learning disability.

Although Mutzabaugh dealt with challenges because of his learning disability throughout his life, he found a way to overcome with faith, a strong support system, and a positive attitude.




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