**I am now over on the Selling To Corporate Podcast: http://bit.ly/Apple-Selling-To-Corporate-Podcast. Head on over if you are interested in adding a corporate revenue stream to your business**

**Have you ever considered starting a podcast? My podcast producer and I have put together everything you need to know to get your very own podcast off the ground! Check out Podcasting That Pays today: http://bit.ly/Podcasting-That-Pays!**

Are you worrying that you might have said something to upset or offend someone?  Are you scared that people keep unsubbing from your lists but you don’t know why?

Did you write something ‘controversial’ - really??!

I’m sharing with you today what controversial really means and how you should be using it to your advantage.

In this episode we are discussing:

Uniting and dividing people, why you should embrace using controversial content  How staying true to your opinions will help people trust what you have to say and know that they have made the right choice in following you How content can be deliberately polarised to create engagement without being discriminatory or derogatory 


“We also forget that part of leadership is having those difficult conversations and saying the things that perhaps people don't want to hear“

“I think it's a real shame that as you get older society kind of beats it out of you, society is like no keep all of your opinions to yourself”

“We're talking about controversial being, we're talking about controversial concepts as being strong beliefs, or opinions that you genuinely have and that you want to share”

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