Welcome to Episode 27 of our podcast and with me today is Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew. Froswa’ is a Partnership Broker. Relational Leadership Junkie. Connector. Author/Speaker/Trainer. Co-Founder, HERitage Giving Circle.

Froswa’ is intrigued by relationships, particularly building networks to address issues in organizations and communities. Because of her extensive background in leadership, nonprofit management, partnership development, training and education, I've been quoted in Forbes, Ozy, Bustle, Huffington Post and other media outlets around the world.

She is the author of 2 workbooks for women, Ready for a Revolution: 30 Days to Jolt Your Life and Rules of Engagement: Making Connections Last as well as a writer for several publications around the globe.

If you’d like to learn more, connect with Froswa’ and obtain a copy of her books. you can do so via the following links:

Soulstice Consultancy


Froswa's Books