Episode 73: Smart Habits for Setting Boundaries in Your Business

Before we jump into the topic of Episode 73, we want to remind you about our next quarterly virtual business retreat, which will be on December 14. We’re excited that our colleague and podcast guest Dorothee Racette has agreed to be our guest speaker this time! She will kick off our retreat with some tips and wisdom on how to set reasonable and realistic goals for the new year, and then we’ll focus on discussing our business goals for the first quarter of 2023.

If you’d like to join us, you can sign up at smarthabitsfortranslators.com/retreat. Space is limited to 25 participants, so don’t wait!

In today’s episode, we chat about smart habits for setting boundaries in your business. What do we mean by this? Well, setting boundaries in your business could take on a lot of forms, but the main idea is to determine what you will and won’t do based on what is best for your business and what is best for you as the owner. This could look like setting boundaries around the hours you work, the types of projects you take on, and even who you want to work with.

Tune in to hear our conversation on:

• Why boundaries are important for translators and interpreters

• Our thoughts on helpful boundaries for your business

• What boundaries we set in our professional lives and how we maintain them

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

• Our next virtual business retreat with a special guest, Dorothee Racette

• Episode 33: Smart Habits for Setting Priorities and Getting Things Done With Dorothee Racette

• Episode 35: Maintaining Healthy Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life: Another Joint Episode With Speaking of Translation

• Episode 69: Smart Habits for Negotiating with Clients with Susie Jackson

• Susie Jackson’s blog on financial habits for freelancers

• Episode 60: Smart Habits for Taking Time Off

• Intelligent Change: Mindful Affirmation Cards

• Anti-Fatigue Cushioned Standing Desk Mat

See the full list of links and resources for this episode: https://smarthabitsfortranslators.com/podcast-episodes/73