Episode 67: Tools for Organization and Follow-Through

As professional translators and business owners, we have to stay organized to make sure our businesses run efficiently. And there are so many things that can be organized: finances, client projects and information, plans for our business, marketing campaigns, and so much more.

Keeping your systems in check by using tools that help you stay organized and follow through on your projects and communications is vital to the overall health of your business. And it can also be vital to your own health!

Being disorganized can cause stress, anxiety, worry, and a general sense of feeling bad about yourself.

So, today we’d like to talk about our favorite tools for organization and follow-through.

Tune in to hear our conversation on:

• How systems and tools can bring us a sense of calm and peace in our businesses

• Where tools can come in handy for staying organized in your translation or interpreting business

• Examples of what freelancers tend to need to organize and which tools can be helpful

• Tools we use and love and how we use them in our businesses

• Tools we would recommend in everyday life

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

• Yasmin AlKashef’s LinkedIn post about the one-touch rule

• Episode 57: Smart Habits for Managing Your Inbox

• Asana

• OneTab extension for Chrome

• How to group and arrange tabs in Chrome

• QuickBooks

• How to create email templates in Gmail

• Reading list in Chrome

• OneNote

• Create, view, and edit bookmarks in Chrome

• LastPass password manager

• Genius Scan PDF scanner

• Slack

• Airtable

• Full Focus Planner

See the full list of links and resources for this episode: https://smarthabitsfortranslators.com/podcast-episodes/67