Smart Habits for Caring for Growing Your Online Network

We all hear about the importance of having a strong network for our business. And in some of our previous episodes, we've talked about ways to network at in-person events. Today, we thought it would be great to chat about growing your network online and some dos and don’ts that we personally subscribe to.

Networking can be equally daunting whether you’re just getting started in the profession or you’re already an established translator or interpreter. You can feel uncertain about meeting clients on their turf, attending online events, or using email or social media platforms to connect with clients and colleagues. And of course, if you sometimes struggle with imposter syndrome or consider yourself an introvert, you may dread the very idea of networking.

And then there are all kinds of other things to consider: where to find networking opportunities online, whether to network with clients only or to also think about networking with colleagues, what you can bring to the table and how you can utilize your network efficiently, etc.

So, today we're sharing our thoughts and tips on this topic with the hope of helping you grow your online network as well.

Tune in to hear our conversation on:

Why it’s important to have an online network and what some benefits are for your freelance business

Where to go to establish or grow an online network

What platforms or ways of connecting with people you should be thinking about

Our thoughts on limiting your online network to clients vs having colleagues in your online network as well

How to grow your network in a consistent and strategic way

Good strategies for connecting with new people online and creating new professional relationships

What are some dos and don’ts in maintaining your existing network and leveraging it

Our tips for those who feel nervous about connecting with new people for various reasons: maybe you find it difficult to step out of your comfort zone or maybe you feel that you don’t have much to bring to the table

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

• Registration for our Virtual Business Retreat on March 17, 2022

• Madalena’s master class on Google Ads for Training for Translators

• ATA webinars related to building your online network:

o Building a Network

o The Power of Social Media: Key Strategies for Marketing Your Interpreting and Translation Services

• One Line a Day journal

See the full list of links and resources for this episode: