We often talk about small business owners, in particular freelancers, having to wear many hats: we’re our own boss, bookkeeper, marketing team, tech support person, administrative assistant, and more!

But how often do you really sit down and think about all these areas of your business?

In this episode of Smart Habits for Translators, we are having a conversation about conducting a business audit: why it’s important to check in with your translation or interpreting business regularly, what areas to look at, and, most importantly, how often.

This is an area that is often overlooked by many freelancers: we can get so much into the day-to-day needs of our business that we forget to take a holistic look at the bigger picture. So, we thought that sharing a sort of roadmap today might be helpful.

A business audit is a great starting point that will help you get ready for a business retreat. Spoiler alert: in this episode, we are announcing our very first Virtual Business Retreat! Check the episode for more details.

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

• Why it is important to review various areas of your translation or interpreting business regularly

• What areas of your business to review during a business audit

• How a business audit can help you set or modify your business goals and create a solid action plan

• Details of the first-ever Smart Habits for Translators virtual business retreat and how you can join

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

• Details and registration for our Virtual Business Retreat

• Episode 8: Setting Goals for the New Year

• Episode 24: Course-Correction for Your Business During Times of Uncertainty

• Atomic Habits by James Clear

See the full list of links and resources for this episode: https://smarthabitsfortranslators.com/podcast-episodes/49