It’s very common at the end of a calendar year to analyze how things went and what you would like to do differently in the coming year. So, we thought it appropriate to talk about productivity, organization, time management, and priorities for this last episode of the year.

We’re excited to welcome a very special guest, colleague and fellow translator Dorothee Racette.

Dorothee is a Certified Translator and a Certified Productivity Coach.

She brings together her expertise from decades of working as a freelance translator with her experience as a certified productivity coach. She specializes in helping clients move out of procrastination to maximize their business potential and live a more enjoyable life.

Dorothee served in leadership roles within ATA for 17 years, including as ATA President from 2011 to 2013. She started her own productivity consulting firm, Take Back My Day, in 2014 to explore methods for improving creativity and workflow. She now divides her time between coaching, translating and teaching. Her book, Complete What You Started, is coming out soon.

Here’s a summary of our conversation with Dorothee:

• How and when she started her freelance translation career and how it has evolved over time

• What her typical workday looks like

• What smart habits help her draw boundaries between work and personal life

• What advice she'd offer to fellow freelancers who struggle with overwhelm and productivity

• How to set priorities when you have a lot on your plate and how to balance paid work, volunteer work, and any other responsibilities you have

• What smart habits can help you keep your physical and digital workspace organized

• How to deal with projects that you didn’t manage to accomplish this year and how to set realistic goals for the new year

Resources we mentioned in this episode:

• Our webinar on marketing in unexpected ways on January 22, 2021 (join our email list below to get a discount code!)

• Dorothee’s productivity coaching business and blog: Take Back My Day

• ATA 61st Annual Conference where Dorothee presented “Freelancing in a World of Distractions” (conference attendees have access to all the session recordings for at least 6 months)

• ATA’s Mastermind Program

• Dorothee’s webinar for ATA: “Managing the Stages of Your Small Business”

• Dorothee’s interview on the Marketing Tips for Translators podcast: How to Conquer Distractions and Move Your Freelance Business Forward

• Password managers: 1Password and LastPass

• How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job by Sally Helgesen

• Speaking American: How Y’all, Youse, and You Guys Talk: A Visual Guide by Josh Katz

• The Night Swim by Megan Goldin

• Dorothee’s course in early 2021 with Training for Translators: Complete What You Started: A 2021 Kick-Off Challenge

• Join our email list to get Dorothee’s downloadable productivity checklist for long-term business health!

For a full list of resources, visit the show notes page for this episode: