As freelancers, most of us have to deal with some degree of burnout at one time or another.
We work remotely, but that means that we don’t have colleagues nearby who we can vent to or have a quick work break with. We work flexible hours, but we work for ourselves, which means that we can easily choose to work extended hours or devote evenings and weekends to work.
We are trying to achieve our financial goals while being constantly reminded about the need to market ourselves, develop professionally, stay up-to-date with relevant tools and resources, understand our clients better, and run a full business operation, most of the time with only one staff member.
The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic adds other factors to the equation: for many it has meant a loss of business, financial uncertainty, homeschooling kids, co-working with family members, and, of course, protecting our own and our family’s health and safety. The list goes on and on…
Just talking about it can make you feel overwhelmed! We’ve all been there, and we’ve talked to several colleagues who feel this way right now.
So, we thought this would be an important topic to discuss, and we hope that this episode will give you some ideas on how to prevent burnout or how to overcome it if you’re starting to feel that you've already reached a state of burnout.
Here is a summary of our conversation:
• Our own experiences with burnout
• How to recognize the symptoms of burnout
• Why it’s important to admit to yourself how you’re feeling and allow yourself to rest and recharge
• How open and honest conversations with your family and friends can help you reflect on the factors that led to burnout
• Why you need to analyze the reasons you are experiencing burnout
• What changes you may need to make in order to overcome burnout and prevent it from happening again
• Why it’s important to overcome feelings of guilt, self-criticism, and the fear of embarrassment and being judged by others when you decide to make necessary changes
• Why setting boundaries, making time for your personal interests and projects, prioritizing rest, staying social, and outsourcing some personal and professional tasks are among the most important things you can do to prevent burnout

Books and resources we mentioned in this episode:
• Full Focus Planner: original, pocket-sized, and kids’ version
• Episode 18: Creating a Four-Day Work Week with Matt Baird
• Episode 1: Work/Life Clarity
• Using the Downtime function on your iPhone and iPad
• An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth by Col. Chris Hadfield
• Small Fry: A Memoir by Lisa Brennan-Jobs

On July 7, we’ll be sending our email subscribers a summary of this episode with a link to the show notes so you can quickly find and save all the resources that we mentioned.
Our next episode will be available on July 14. We will welcome a special guest that we are very excited about and talk about another topic that is relevant for many of us right now. If you follow our podcast on social media or receive our email newsletters, you will be the first to hear about the topic of our next episode and our special guest!

For more information and links to all the resources for this episode, please visit our show notes page: