Welcome to the weekend edition of the Daily Writer.

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to do a series of conversations focused around mental health for writers. Everybody knows mental health is important, and we see lots of signs of depression, burnout, frustration, anger, and even increasing rates of suicide in society. Writers are not immune to those forces. In many ways, perhaps we are even more susceptible than the average person because we tend to spend a lot of time alone.

In light of that, we are featuring a Mental Health Series for Writers during the month of May. Each week, we will feature an interview that relates to themes of mental health. Today’s episode features a good friend of mine, Melissa Bloom, who uses her background in molecular biology, clinical trials, and yoga to focus on the new frontier—the brain. Through her Aligned Life Community and one-on-one coaching, she helps people gain a new perspective through which to view their lives.  

In this conversation, Melissa shares why we need to eliminate the idea of competition, the pursuit of perfection, the concept of missed opportunities, and why we take score way too soon.

The result of dealing with all these unhealthy tendencies is that we can move past our fear, doubt, and sense of overwhelm, and into a life where we are creating from a sense of joy and purpose, rather than stress and guilt.

Melissa is truly wise soul, and I know you’ll be moved by this impactful conversation just as much as I was.

You can learn more about Melissa’s work, her upcoming book, and more below!

Learn more at MelissaBloom.life

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Check out my NEW book: 18 Words to Live By: A Father’s Wisdom on What Matters Most.

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