I hope your 2022 is off to a great start. Here it is, the end of January, and we've had a solid month to get some meaningful work done toward our goals. How are things going for you?

At this point, a lot of people give up on their goals and say, "Maybe next year." But I want you to know that it's never too late to make significant things happen in your writing, your life, and your business. How do you do that? By being intentional. Success doesn't just happen by accident.

I'm excited to have a guest with us today who's going to help us do exactly that. His name is Joe Bukartek, and he is an Intentional Lifestyle Coach. Joe is a former undergraduate academic advisor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he supported thousands of students in achieving academic success. His first eight years post-undergrad, Joe worked in Corporate America in finance and contracts in the D.C. metro area. After Joe’s son was born, he redesigned his life to be intentionally more present with his family.

Joe is also the host of the excellent podcast, Intentionally Ever After, which is a great title!

I first got to know through his wife, Melanie, who is an author. She was introduced to me by our amazing mutual friend, Tricia Brouk. So I want to make sure to give both Melanie and Tricia a shout-out here and thank them for the connection to Joe!

Joe was a guest on our Daily Writer Community call a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to share that call with you here. Joe shared his story of becoming more intentional in his life, and we have a fantastic conversation about what it means to be more intentional with your writing goals, and how to handle speed bumps along the way. This was a really inspiring and fun conversation.

You can learn more about Joe, connect with him, or book your complimentary coaching session below:

Check out Joe's website, JoeBukartek.com.

Listen to Joe's Intentionally Ever After Podcast.

Book a complimentary coaching session with Joe.

Connect with Joe on Facebook.

Follow Joe on LinkedIn.

Check out Joe on Twitter.

Reach out to Joe on Instagram.


Are you looking for a community of enthusiastic, generous writers to help you build better habits and grow your writing business? Check out our Daily Writer Community.     

Check out our Daily Writing Prompts, which will help you break through creative blocks, brainstorm new ideas, and get back into a state of flow. Writing prompts are a fantastic creative tool for creative writing, journaling, teaching, social media posts, podcasting, and more!    

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Facebook: https://facebook.com/kent.sanders    

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LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/kent-sanders    

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