In this discussion, I explain the keys to economic slavery, as well as economic addiction.   I explain that for the black community, financial addiction is a very serious problem.   It starts from birth, when we are led to depend on our oppressors to provide the things we need.  We are also led to believe that financial security isn't important, but material possessions are a necessity.   It is the combination of having no financial security, a need for material possessions and an established systematic monopoly held by our oppressor that keeps us in a financial cage.    #FinancialAddiction can be cured, but we have to understand how the #blackwealth process is critical in that objective.   To join Dr Watkins’ wealth building program for children, please visit To take Dr Watkins’ financial course, please visit To take Dr Watkins’ course on how to fire your boss, please visit Twitter: @DrBoyceWatkins1 Instagram: @TheRealBoyceWatkins Youtube: Text the word Boyce to 31996 to connect via text message Email: [email protected]