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How does it feel being alone for...70 days? Join me today as I listen to our guest's challenging yet inspiring journey in the ocean. She's known as the youngest person to row in the Atlantic Ocean for 70 days alone, the 1st person to swim the entire length of the Allegheny River and the 1st person to run non-stop the 138 miles across Maine in 33 hours, Katie Spotz.

Hearing the 70 days alone makes us wonder how it is possible for her to survive so I ask Katie what's the secret behind this amazing journey she had done. Not only she does it for her to set a record but also to support the clean water charity - which has helped a lot of people already.

Katie then tells me the mental tool she applied along with the motivation gained behind all the adventures she run into. Though Katie mentions that she initially avoided endurance sports when she was young.

As there are other charity projects out there, I also ask what makes her choose the clean water charity.

Listen to the full interview and find out Katie's biggest struggle in endurance challenges.

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