I had a chance today to talk to a former pro cyclist and Olympian who became the 1st North American to wear the leader's jersey in the Tour de France, and is currently an IT professional, Alex Stieda.

Transitioning his career from a cyclist to an IT pro was something he didn't expect. So Alex tells me the full story behind this opportunity and how he was able to adapt to it given that this kind of new career needs technological knowledge.

As technology keeps evolving, I ask Alex how this affects cycling and the benefits he gained from it that made him accept the change.

We also discuss his journey of being a good descender and his realization towards the recommended way of teaching cycling skills.

Apart from learning his career, I get to know how Alex typically approaches his children as a former pro.

Watch until the end and listen to Alex's wonderful answer to our season 4 question.

Learn more about Alex on: http://www.stiedacycling.com/

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