It's an enlivening talk with Kevin Carr and Mary Kate Feit who are the authors of the book, Functional Training Anatomy. Kevin is a strength and conditioning coach and manager at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning (MBSC) while Mary Kate is an assistant professor of strength and conditioning in the School of Physical Education, Performance, and Sport Leadership at Springfield College.

First off, I ask them what pushed them to write the book and how it goes when it comes to dividing their duties in filling in information since they are both working on it. Kevin also mentions the people who are involved in making them come up with creating this medium to serve as a guide to active people.

Our conversation flows within the content of their book that also gives me more understanding when it comes to doing the proper training and performing different movements. As for movements, Kevin answers my question if he will be doing a video series to show the correct posture and movements that are demonstrated in their book.

Kevin and Mary Kate openly share their story about how their respective clients improved a lot while following their training programs. Mary Kate mentions as well how she gives programs to the people who want them.

Since they also encounter people who have been injured due to training, Kevin tells me what they specifically do for them, which is something most people will truly admire to hear from him.

There's more to learn from them so watch this full interview and find out their straightforward but uplifting answers to our last question.

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