Episode 32- the podcast is back for season three, and I'm back from materntiy leave!

I've actually been back to work from mat leave for a while, but it's been quite the adjustment around here.

This is a solo episode and it's all about my experience with maternity leave as an entrepreneur, and the struggle to find a new normal as I return to work. I talk about hiring a virtual assistant to keep things ticking over, trying to take a "proper" leave from your business and how I staggered my return back (or tried to anyways).

If you're planning for mat leave, or planning to return from one this episode is full of honest truths and perspectives on how it felt for me, what the biggest challenges were and what I'm working through now, almost one year in to my return.

Episode Links:

Host: Rhiannon Louden, Small Fish Brand Co

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smallfishbrandco/
Website: https://www.smallfishglasgow.co.uk
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rhiannonm

Intro/Outro music credit: https://www.purple-planet.com