(0:27) Sean doesn't know how to pronounce "Michelob"

(1:12) Andrew and Sean’s Relationship: It’s been a long two years, man

(4:37) Andrew and Sean are pretty much risking their lives to be at DEF CON

(14:30) It can be mad hard to sell B2B tech products

(17:57) Connections in Security: It can help with even the most unrelated things

(20:43) Choosing Your Company’s Differentiator: Better data and better AI is not the answer

(24:15) Choosing Your Company’s Differentiator: Less bad guy, more on making jobs easier

(25:59) Reiterating pain points is becoming a pain point

(28:48) Tool fatigue: Bundling is not the answer

(33:13) Krit and Miscreants are lowkey rivals (but friendly ones)

(38:59) In a room full of potential, it’s super important to know your strengths and weaknesses

(42:15) It’s important to know where you draw the line with product strategy

(49:19) Our Small Efforts

Thanks for listening to Small Efforts, a podcast collaboration between Krit and Miscreants. Shoutout to the Hatch Team and Mary Vuong for producing and editing.



Andrew's Twitter: @AndrewAskinsKrit: https://www.krit.com/ Miscreants: https://www.miscreants.co/ Sean's Twitter: @seanqsunHatch Team: https://www.hatch.team/Def Con: https://defcon.org/ Krit’s Article on InfoSec Acronyms: https://www.krit.com/blog/infosec-acronyms-explained 

For more information about the podcast, check out https://www.smalleffortspod.com/.

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