A slightly-the-worse-for-wear Knut and Chris record from Webdagene 2017. Discussed this week are retro sexism, cultural appropriation, and whether Norway is less ‘woke’ than expected. Knut’s Gruberesque pauses are left in, mostly just to troll listener Even.

A slightly-the-worse-for-wear Knut and Chris record from Webdagene 2017. Discussed this week are retro sexism, cultural appropriation, and whether Norway is less ‘woke’ than expected. Knut’s Gruberesque pauses are left in, mostly just to troll listener Even.


DeLorean time machine - WikipediaWebdagene 2017 — Scandinavia’s biggest digital customer experience conference!

Welcome to GOV.UKMaking digital government better: An interview with Mike Bracken | McKinsey & CompanyInteraction design - WikipediaScaling service design and the challenge of problem-caring (en) - Webdagene 2017 — Shoutout to Sanjay!Lamb and cabbage stew (fårikål) I recipe with nutritionvalues.Norske Grønnsaker - YouTube - YouTube — "Norwegian Vegetables" YouTube channel. Because it was there.Trond-Viggo Torgersen og kroppen - om befruktning av eggcelle - YouTubeIntersectionality - WikipediaMe Too (hashtag) - WikipediaQuote by Margaret Atwood: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. W...” — So not really a comedian then.That story about Norwegian professors wanting to ban the niqab — … the way this headline is translated shows that Google Translate has a way to go yet …Siv’s ‘Pocahontas’ stunt backfired — OuchSámi heritage is not a “cute” fashion statement - The Norwegian AmericanThe Very Best of Cannon & Ball - YouTube — No, 1980s UK light entertainment was not all that.The Krankies - YouTube — More horrors from Scotland's 1980s light entertainment scene. This is actually a married couple. No, really.Operation Yewtree - Wikipedia — Or, why it's no longer possible to talk about UK entertainment stars of the early 1980s without googling first to see if they've since been arrested :/