As Knut and Chris struggle to get back on the work bandwagon after the summer, they are invigorated by machine learning, Javascript, idiots, and Michael Cera.

As Knut and Chris struggle to get back on the work bandwagon after the summer, they are invigorated by machine learning, Javascript, idiots, and Michael Cera.


Atypical (TV Series 2017– ) - IMDbCompact Cassette - WikipediaJohn Cage - Wikipediaweather in Bergen - GoogleDo trees in rainforests have seasonal growth rings? | Science Focus — Tropical rainforests don’t experience the winter and summer extremes seen in temperate rainforests. Often, tropical trees grow in a similar way all year round, meaning growth rings are not apparent. However, tropical regions do experience seasonal changes, such as rainy versus dry seasons. Some tropical trees, like teak, have obvious growth rings that reflect this. Others have more subtle rings, revealed only by chemical analysis of the wood.xkcd: Duty CallsExclusive: Here's The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google [Updated]The e-mail Larry Page should have written to James DamoreConfirmation bias - WikipediaEvolutionary psychology - WikipediaHTML + Javascript + CSS | CodecademyFrontiers by Slack 2017San Francisco - WikipediaTwist - Mindful Team CommunicationEnterprise Social Networking & Social Collaboration | SocialcastInternet Relay Chat - WikipediaMindfulness - Wikipediahow far is Oslo from Bergen - Google-søkBengler: Even Westvang — Hei, Even! :)Machine learning - WikipediaRedefining the Role of the Community Interpreter: The Concept of Role-space: Peter Llewellyn-Jones, Robert G Lee, Prof Cynthia B Roy: Fremdsprachige Bücher — Hi, Robert! :)AI is trained to generate incredibly British place namesArrival (2016) - IMDbAwakenings (1990) - IMDbPitch drop experiment - Wikipedia — Or you can try it at home with Marmite.Jesse Eisenberg - IMDbAdventureland (2009) - IMDbZombieland (2009) - IMDbOccupied (TV Series 2015– ) - IMDb