How and why Knut got out of the academy.

How and why Knut got out of the academy.


Holberg Prize - WikipediaThe Holberg Prize 2015 – Marina Warner — Udannet — Knut interviews the winner of the 2015 Holberg Prize. In English :)Marina Warner · Diary: Why I Quit · LRB 11 September 2014The Holberg Prize 2016 Episode with Stephen Greenblatt: Everyone Dreams at Night — Udannet — Knut interviews the winner of the 2015 Holberg Prize. In English :)Holbergprisen — (2014: Professor Michael Cook) — Knut interviews the winner of the 2014 Holberg Prize. In English :)Stats Without Maths - Public - Dropbox — Have some "stats for beginners" resources from a workshop Chris co-ran with Mike K Smith and Karen Mardahl a few years :) Dicing with Death: Chance, Risk and Health (9780521540230): Professor Stephen Senn: Books — Mike K Smith recommends :)A Dirty Dozen: 12 p-value Misconceptions [PDF]Not Even Scientists Can Easily Explain P-values | FiveThirtyEight — Again, thanks to Mike K Smith for this one :)Knut interviews Marina Warner in the UiB Magazine — (translation to English not by Knut. Interaction design of the UiB magazine not by either of us, but we're still sorry about it)