Knut and Chris go large for Påske. Obviously there is some food talk, but the real meat is discussing foreigners who don't know how to behave on the traditional Easter cabin trip, or dress for mountain weather. Advisory: this episode contains New Testament rapping (though mercifully not by us. Although Chris does sing.)

Knut and Chris go large for Påske. Obviously there is some food talk, but the real meat is discussing foreigners who don't know how to behave on the traditional Easter cabin trip, or dress for mountain weather. Advisory: this episode contains New Testament rapping (though mercifully not by us. Although Chris does sing.)


Moddi - En sang om fly - YouTubeModdiGodspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven [FULL ALBUM] - YouTube — The GY!BE album from Moddi’s t-shirtBagpipes - WikipediaScotland the Brave (Bagpipes) - YouTubeWalkers Liquorice Toffee — Worth noting that in Norway this costs around 2x the British RRP (recommended retail price), or around 6 times this discounted price. Buy 10!Kvikk Lunsj - WikipediaRiverdance the final performance - YouTubeStomp Live - Part 1 - Brooms - YouTubeNorwegian Easter Traditions - My Little NorwayGetting around by boat - Official travel guide to Norway - — Sadly nothing about ferry workers.Salhus Vinskvetten - Fergebillettøren (The Ferry Conductor) - YouTube — «Ikkje kjør inn på ferjo har eg sakt før eg sei kjør inn på ferjo! Kjør inn på fjerjo! Koman koman! Koman! Da e grett!» “Don't drive onto the ferry before I say drive onto the ferry! Drive onto the ferry! Come on, come on. Come on! There you go.”National Unicorn Day - YouTubeRoyal coat of arms of Scotland - Wikipedia — Unicorns!Haggis - WikipediaThe Small Differences Survival KitHow we make Small Differences – Knut Melvær – Medium — #metaTurist (2014) - (English title: Force Majeure) – IMDbTurist – NRK Filmpolitiet (in Norwegian)NRK TV - Turist — If you live in Norway, you can watch this for free :) Artificial fertilizer - Norsk Hydro - WikipediaNorwegian butter crisis - WikipediaHistory of the Jews in Norway - WikipediaA Frog in the Fjord – A Blog on love, winter, food, and mainly about Norwegian people — French blogger documents her evolving understanding of Norway and NorwegiansHelnorsk hyttemarked (in Norwegian) - — "The Entirely Norwegian Cabin Market
While Norwegians like buying holiday homes abroad, there are few foreigners who buy cabins here. 97.5% of Norwegian huts have Norwegian owners." På den første hytteturen holdt vi på å fryse i hjel (in Norwegian) - Aftenposten — "On the first cabin trip we were freezing to death.
Cabin coziness, Easter eggs and ski trips in unspoiled nature. Foreigners don't understand Norwegian Easter." Auld Alliance (Scotland + France 4EVA) - WikipediaHolidays and observances in Norway in 2017X-Men - WikipediaGravde seg ned i tide da sikten og lyset forsvant - NRK Rogaland - Lokale nyheter, TV og radio — «Gravde seg ned i tide da sikten og lyset forsvant
Bjørnar (16) og Joar (17) ble meldt savna fra påskefjellet seint i går kveld. Da de ble funnet var de litt kalde, men hadde overnattet trygt i snøhule.» “When the visibility and daylight disappeared, they dug in, in time.
Bjørnar (16) and Joar (17) were declared missing on their Easter mountain trip late last night. When found, they were a bit cold, but had spent the night safely in a snow-hole.” — Two Norwegian teenagers with mountain experience encounter sudden bad weather but do pretty much everything right.Green Cross Code - Wikipedia — (redirect from The Tufty Club)Fjellvett 1 - med Severin Suveren - YouTubeWallace collection - Daydream - YouTubeSwan Lake - WikipediaPrest rapper budskapet: – Påske, skjønne du ... - NRK Troms - Lokale nyheter, TV og radio — Groovy vicar, Norwegian-styleeArtistic license - Wikipedia — aka poetic licence, or if you're Norwegian, nødrim (emergency rhyme)Tony Blair - WikipediaFreaks and Geeks (TV Series 1999–2000) - IMDbEaster's true detectives: Bizarre Norwegian tradition of reading crime stories and detective novels during EasterDoctor Who (TV Series 2005– ) - IMDb — Knut's Cultural Pick of the WeekIdris Elba - IMDbKæm va du? – Moddi — Chris's Cultural Pick of the WeekUnsongs – ModdiMjølkeflødde.. (OKBente)Aftenposten - stillinger — Example of one of Norway's national newspapers seeking "digital heads"Dogme 95 - WikipediaHow do you do fellow kids - YouTube