We’re all learning how to belong. - Liza Ingrasci

How do we learn to have a sense of belonging?

This week Hoffman Institute CEO, Liza Ingrasci, joins us for Wisdom Wednesdays to discuss the power of emotions.  Liza has been a part of the Hoffman Institute for decades and is an expert in emotional processing and personal development.  She is a heart-centered educator who has done the Hoffman Process and now leads the company.

About Liza Ingrasci

Liza received her BA in Developmental Psychology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1974.  She has been with the Hoffman Institute since 1990, and now resides as their CEO.  Liza has held executive positions in national seminar companies with responsibilities for both enrollment and alumni participation.

Join Dr. Michelle and Liza as they talk about:

The concept of the negative love syndrome Bob Hoffman starting the process and creating the Hoffman Institute Using the Quadrinity process as a tool for resilience - body, intellect, emotions, and spirit Liza’s interpretation of emotional freedom Quad Check In - The importance of recognizing the emotions you’re feeling, and identifying what they are The transition of COVID-19 and how it has “sent us all to our room” Robin and Liza’s family going through the Hoffman Process Recognizing you’re on the path and some helpful resources

Discover the power of emotions as Liza shares:

Emotional Quotient vs. Intelligence Quotient (EQ & IQ) Looking through the eyes of kindness How important it is to recover sadness to push you forward The newest class of prejudice the Hoffman Institute is offering Success stories from the Hoffman Process

 Listen and learn about forgiveness and belonging through:

Awareness Expression Forgiveness New Behavior

When you learn you teach, when get you give.- Maya Angelou 

Mentioned In This Episode

Hoffman Institute Negative Love Syndrome Quad Check In Bob Hoffman Brene Brown Britt Frank Wellness Consortium Joe Gauld Carol Phillips Chris Pam “What’s Your Word?” David White Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk Hoffman Feelings List Hoffman Reading List


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