Previous Episode: Ep. 233 - Laurie Gerber

My life is simple. Because of this, it’s easy to know when something is out of balance. - Ma Xue from The Longevity Plan by Dr. John Gray

What is the key to living a happy, healthy, long life?

Dr. John Day joins Small Changes Big Shifts host, Dr. MIchelle Robin, to share his experience of living and studying the people of the Longevity Village in China.

With the lessons he learned from Longevity Village, he compiled them and created The Longevity Plan which is not only a fascinating travelogue but also a practical, accessible, and groundbreaking guide to a better life.

Not only has Dr. John used the information he gathered at Longevity Village and to help patients but he has also used the 7 lessons learned in his own life.

Join Dr. Michelle and Dr. John as they discuss:

Why he knew he wanted to become a cardiologist from a very young age. His decision to live by his passion for wellness. The sense of empowerment and control he now feels about his health after his trip to Longevity Village. The fact that he didn’t really see any type of cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions in the part of China that he visited. The life transformations people experienced when they applied Dr. Gray’s 7 Principles to their lives.

Help your body heal and get stronger with these tips and insights on:

How to reverse or improve heart health problems through small changes today. His 7 Principles for living a longer, more fulfilling life and how to apply it to your life in a Western culture. Why it’s so simple yet eating whole, natural foods is so powerful for our bodies. How to allow the body to naturally heal itself when we remove any interferences and give it the care of the 7 principles it needs.

Reintroduce more daily, simple exercise to your day as Dr. John and Dr. Michelle share:

What steps you can do to begin reengineering physical activity back into your life. How a person with a 9-5 job sitting job can incorporate movement into their day. Outside help you can access to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Learn all about the rhythms of life that we experience each day and how to honor, observe, and cherish them.

BONUS Spinal Hygiene Tips:

Wall Angels – Stand up against a wall with your arms at a 90 degree angle and level with your shoulders while maintaining contact against the wall with your tailbone and shoulder blades. Raise your arms above your head trying to keep your elbows and wrists as close to the wall as possible. Lower your arms to the starting position and repeat for 1 minute, 1-2 times per day (Video Demonstration: click here)

Foam roller balance – strengthen multifidi; lay on a foam roller vertically with legs outstretched, no more than a fist width apart, point toes toward the ceiling, place hands on your stomach, look down toward your toes with your eyes only.  At 2 times per day for 1 minute. (Video Demonstration: click here)

Neuromuscular Neck Exercises - strengthens deep neck flexors; keep head in neutral and look straight down with your eyes only. Alternately press on your left and right temples with gentle resistance for 4 repetitions, then look down with your eyes to the left for 4 repetitions, then look down with your eyes to the right for 4 repetitions. Complete 1 series, before and after brushing your teeth (Video Demonstration: click here)