Whether you commission a custom embroidery creation, or buy a kit to complete on your own, there are several ways to enjoy work from Hipster Stitcher. Alina Fedorowicz knows what she wants and she’s figured out how to achieve her goals effectively over a relatively short time in her business. 

I was struck by Alina’s clarity of what she’s offering, the confidence in her approach to business and marketing, and the joy she finds in doing the work of creating beautiful pieces that are meaningful for customers. Listen to learn more about Alina and be sure to follow her and hear all about her Christmas ornaments when they come out!

Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/thehipsterstitcher

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hipster.stitcher/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehipsterstitcher

Full episode transcript: https://www.karencwilson.me/blog/small-but-mighty-episode-6-alina-fedorowicz-on-stitching-lasting-memories