If you’ve ever doubted your ability to do the things you most want to do, this episode is a must listen. Bibigi Haile, of Speakeasy.work, is a career and brand management coach with a mission to help women find their voice and step into their power. It all starts with figuring out what you truly want—and sometimes the answers surprise Bibigi’s clients. 

Her work is about designing for change, empowering her clients to take ownership and act with intention on their path to discover and take that right next step. 

You can learn more and connect with Bibigi here:

Website: https://www.speakeasy.work

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/448107702816329

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bibigi-haile

Full episode transcript: https://www.karencwilson.me/blog/small-but-mighty-episode-13-bibigi-on-helping-women-step-into-their-power