Our words and language shape our business, its messaging, and the people we attract.  Kath Rast, a Linguistiologist, inspires us to be more human and ensures our messages align with our work on podcast episode 207. Listen in for word fun! You can find the show notes at www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/207

Take a listen to episode 207 and hear the GOLD!

WANT IDEAS ON WHAT TO POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Free eBook – https://bit.ly/108Social  

READY TO LIFT YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA GAME? Take the Challenge: https://bit.ly/5daysocialchallenge  

WANT TO CREATE YOUR FIRST SUCCESSFUL FACEBOOK AD? Download the FREE eBook: https://bit.ly/beginnersguidetoads  

SHOW NOTES (including a transcription of this episode and all links and resources): www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/207   

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