Hey there podcast family, welcome to episode 57 of the Small Business Made Simple Podcast.

Thank you for lending me your ears today – I know you have lots of choices, so I sincerely appreciate me being one of them!

If you’re a first time listener, super super welcome, I am so pleased to have you here.  I am your host Jenn Donovan, and, it’s my job, via this podcast, social media and everywhere else actually, to make your business life simpler. 

Business can be lonely and hard and complicated and it’s hardly ever easy, but it should be simple or at least simpler, so that’s my commitment you to on the Small Business Made Simple podcast!

One way I help to make your life simpler is by having a group of like-minded business owners all in one stop.  To ask questions, get answers and enjoy the journey of business! If you haven’t joined the Like Minded Business Owners Facebook Group, then hope over there after this episode and join!  Simply search Like Minded Business Owners in Facebook or come to the show notes for the like.  Show notes are at www.socialmediaandmarketing.com.au/57


Today is all about that page on your website, that doesn’t get as much love and attention as I think it should or rather, I definitely know it should.

Your About page is one of the most important web pages on your blog.


Because, if you get your About page right, it will help you build a strong brand and position yourself as the go-to expert in your industry.

It took me hours to write my About Page.

Lots and lots of research.

I looked at what other people in my industry, and outside my industry did, what the people who I crush on have in their About pages, and how I could come across as “me” in a page.

I wanted a visitor to read my About Me page and feel like they found a friend, maybe even a soul mate!

I wanted them to know me, know my expertise, know my business core values and yes, even a little about me personally.

I have an eighties style questionnaire on there as well – just for fun.  One of the questions is “what’s of your most embarrassing moments?”

I can tell you hand on heart; I’ve never told anyone this (who didn’t come to my wedding anyway!).

It’s SO embarrassing but it’s real, it’s me … and I know I’m not the only one who’s do it! AKA my favourite TV show Friends – if you read it, and you’re a friend’s fan, you’ll know what I mean!

Like I said, I put hours into the creative writing of my About Me page.

But there are SO many out there, that just simply slap a few paragraphs together, make it all about them, and call it an About Page.

The funny thing about and About page – is that it isn’t really about YOU at all.

It’s actually about your client or customer or prospect, and only a little about you!

It’s showing them who you are, so that they can

(a)         Know they are connecting with a human

(b)        Find similarities in either what they are looking for or who they are

That old H2H thing I’ve been crowing about for ages – human to human connection!

So, let’s go over the elements that make up a good About page

You position your authority in your industry.

Once people read your About page, they should know EXACTLY what you do and who you did it for.

Who is your who and what do you want to be famous for?

These are the two questions you need to consistently ask yourself when you are planning out your About page.

Writing this page isn’t the easiest thing to master, but it’s possible once you understand the essential elements that must be included.

Ignore the Myths!

Myth #1: Write only about yourself – Your About page doesn’t have to focus completely on you. Sure, it can include your personal story, but it’s wise to focus on how you solve a problem for your readers.

Myth #2: Use minimal design – I agree with this, to an extent, for some professions. For example, if you’re a freelance writer, most of your target audience will be more interested in your words than whatever WordPress theme you’ve opted for.

On the other hand, if you’re a web developer or graphics professional, you really have to make your About page attractive.

The point is, don’t let these About page myths stop you from designing a page that’s right for your target market.

Focus on people’s pain points and the solution that you can offer them. Unlike the homepage, the About page should be directed at using your own personal story and unique selling point (USP) to create a strong impact that drives leads. Make sure your readers can relate to your page and learn from it.

On your About Page you should have:

Headline: Every web page needs a headline, and your About page is no exception. Make it clear, simple and benefit driven!

Supporting image: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” No matter how attractive and well-written your page is, if it’s nothing but text, you will lose a lot of potential customers. Don’t let that happen to you.

Add an image to your About page that shows who you are and what you offer. It could be your own photo, a custom logo, a short video — you choose.

With images, make sure they don’t slow your page down.  Load speeds count and if you want people to read your About page, it has to load quickly.

Storytelling: Every successful About page is centred around the author’s story. After all, a lot has happened in their lives before they got to the current point in their online business.

However, avoid excessive self-praise and don’t be boring.

Call-to-action: Where do you send people after they have read your About page? Don’t leave it to chance; guide them with a call-to-action.

I have heaps.  Connect with me on Instagram, join Like Minded Business Owners, get one of my freebies or send me a message. 

Calls to action are SO important.  Make sure you have at least 1.

Colour choice: Colours have a significant effect on people’s behaviour and buying decisions.

When using colours, make sure that your About page is consistent with the rest of your branding so readers will identify with your site.

Navigation and fonts: If you want your About page to be successful, people need to be able to find it and read it. Make sure that it’s an easy menu item to find in the navigation main menu.

Now it doesn’t have to be called an About Page – you can get as creative as you like.  You can call it “Get to know Jenn” or “Who is Jenn” etc. 

BUT if you’re going to get creative, make sure it’s obvious!  Sometimes we get a little too creative and the message is lost to the reader.

Understanding the effect of words: You want your About page to build a connection with your target audience and influence their decision-making process. A great way to do that is by using a conversational tone and evoking emotion with the words that you choose.

Finally, put the most important bit, first!  Above the fold is still in play when it comes to your About page – you still only have seconds to engage someone.  Make it count above the fold.

As I said, my about me page took lots of research and lots of time and energy to design.  It’s not perfect, FAR from it – but I do think it’s a perfect representation of me. 

The person you’ll get online, the person you’ll get offline and the person you’ll get on the phone if you call!

It’s authentically me!

So, here’s how it’s structured:

(i)          Intro to me – my past to know and a little of why I do what I do. 

(ii)         Brands I’ve worked with (showing expertise)

(iii)        What I know for sure (sharing some of my experiences/thoughts/ideas around business)

(iv)        My business core values – because I believe that people will do business with people whose values match their own

(v)         Why me – why I’m a little different

(vi)        What others say about me (testimonials)

(vii)       80’s style quiz – letting my reader get to know me personally a little (including that embarrassing story!)

(viii)      What to do know … me Calls to Action – CTAs – join this, listen here etc

(ix)        Freebies – because who doesn’t like a freebie or two!

(x)         Form to get in touch, and

(xi)        My Instagram live feed – for good measure and a call to action to follow me on Instagram without saying “follow me!”

So, let’s take some action.

What does your About you page look like on your website?  Perhaps it needs some work, perhaps the messaging isn’t clear or perhaps it leaves the reader not sure who you are or what you do or how you can help them?

Or maybe, it ALL about you and there’s no value in it for the reader

Or maybe, it’s not about you at all – the reader can read it all and still have no idea who YOU are – not your brand but YOU, the human behind the brand.

Now if you’re listened to all this and you don’t have an About Page on your website or maybe you don’t have a website, then all these points are more than relevant for your Facebook Business page, your Instagram profile or your LinkedIn profile.

But, you can also make an About You page without a website!

Just go to www.about.me and you can get your very own About Me free page set up.  You can put it at the bottom of your emails or a link in your social accounts – anywhere you can someone to know more, but there’s limited characters! But, that’s all for episode 56.

I’ll be back next Thursday with another great episode to help you simplify your business in 2020. 

If you’re enjoying this podcast, don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode and share this with a friend.  If you’re still in gift giving mode, I’d love a rating and a review.  Those things are like gold for podcasters like me!  It would mean the world.

PS – you can leave more than one rating and review – just saying!

See you next week on the podcast for episode 57.  But in the meantime, I’d love to connect with you all on social – so let’s get social on social – I’m on all the platforms, so let’s do that!

…….. and remember small business peeps, as my opening song says, there’s no point in dreaming small!