Hey Japanpreneurs, on this episode of Small Business Japan I’m going to share with you a free Ikigai and Flow state training program I’ve been working on and fill you in on a new business development called High Flow Lifestyle.  

 I’m Dr. Josh Smith and this episode is sponsored by High Flow Lifestyle, my new personal growth and business success coaching and community platform. This is specifically designed for you self-employed business owners out there, everyone from entrepreneurs and small business owners to creatives and freelancers, this is where you develop work/life synergy and learn to access flow consistently, so you can achieve that next-level success and well-being that you deserve. Check it out at HighFlowLifestyle.com. 

 I developed this free Ikigai and Flow bootcamp to help guide you to getting some clarity and balance in your personal and professional life. In this free 5-day course...