On this episode of the Small Business Japan podcast we get entrepreneurial advice from JD Speaker from his entrepreneurial endeavors in Japan and his world record setting adventures.   

JD is a serial entrepreneur, author of 2 books, youth entrepreneur coach, sportsman, and was 
a TV personality "gai-tare" in Japan. 

He speaks fluent Japanese having lived in Tokyo since high-school, is a serial entrepreneur, internet visionary, & now helping youth entrepreneurs kickstart their business.  

He trained table-tennis for the Olympics at Waseda Uni, & climbed Mt.Fuji backwards & down barefoot in a rare Guinness Book of Records attempt. 

It starts with a love of learning.  

The fastest growth businesses before was in food franchising so that’s where he focused his attention.  

He stopped working in the corporate world when his entrepreneurial flare built up. He made some mistakes along the way, put too much money in patents and trademarks instead of marketing. ..