Show Notes

Derek Mills aka “The Standards Guy”, who was once a failing businessman and human being, working six days a week, until he had a revelation.

He realised that the way to a happier, more successful business and personal life was to work and live by Daily Standards™.

Derek Mills created the Standards Revolution™ and used it to transform his broken hand to mouth lifestyle, to one of abundance in all areas of his life. Derek shares how any business, large or small can potentially increase its revenue by over 100% and more – doing the same thing that they always did, but in a different way, so that customers and clients will notice and stampede towards you.


Also in the show

Why setting future based goals could blow you way off target like a rudderless ship if they’re not attached to a specific set of rituals.
Learn what these conglomerates IN business have in common “Porsche, Axa and Chrysler that every SME should model right now, to put you in the driving seat of success.
Discover how a late night conversation with security guard helped crystallise Derek’s thinking. To the point of going from living from pay check to pay check to millionaire status in less than 36 months.
Derek shares his remarkable case study of how his system has helped his coaching clients do 7 figures per month by avoiding the traditional
30 minutes into the interview the Standards Guy gives you an outline of his super successful trademarked system that you can implement immediately (check out the URL in show notes for free resources)
Also revealed is the alternative way to drive successful outcomes for your business, which has nothing to do with setting  goal’s or targets in the traditional sense (Derek lets slip how his 7 figure client hit their monthly targets).
Hear how to overcome challenges and situations by using this simple tactic that Derek shares in the Interview.
Stop reading and start listening now.

Success Quote

“People and the World will engage you where you set your standards.”

Recommend Resources

The 10-Second Philosophy: A Practical Guide to Success & Happiness by Derek Mills – The Standards Guy®


Web –
YouTube –
Twitter – @derekmills1

Show Notes

Derek Mills aka “The Standards Guy”, who was once a failing businessman and human being, working six days a week, until he had a revelation.

He realised that the way to a happier, more successful business and personal life was to work and live by Daily Standards™.

Derek Mills created the Standards Revolution™ and used it to transform his broken hand to mouth lifestyle, to one of abundance in all areas of his life. Derek shares how any business, large or small can potentially increase its revenue by over 100% and more – doing the same thing that they always did, but in a different way, so that customers and clients will notice and stampede towards you.


Also in the show

Why setting future based goals could blow you way off target like a rudderless ship if they’re not attached to a specific set of rituals.
Learn what these conglomerates IN business have in common “Porsche, Axa and Chrysler that every SME should model right now, to put you in the driving seat of success.
Discover how a late night conversation with security guard helped crystallise Derek’s thinking. To the point of going from living from pay check to pay check to millionaire status in less than 36 months.
Derek shares his remarkable case study of how his system has helped his coaching clients do 7 figures per month by avoiding the traditional
30 minutes into the interview the Standards Guy gives you an outline of his super successful trademarked system that you can implement immediately (check out the URL in show notes for free resources)
Also revealed is the alternative way to drive successful outcomes for your business, which has nothing to do with setting  goal’s or targets in the traditional sense (Derek lets slip how his 7 figure client hit their monthly targets).
Hear how to overcome challenges and situations by using this simple tactic that Derek shares in the Interview.
Stop reading and start listening now.

Success Quote

“People and the World will engage you where you set your standards.”

Recommend Resources

The 10-Second Philosophy: A Practical Guide to Success & Happiness by Derek Mills – The Standards Guy®


Web –
YouTube –
Twitter – @derekmills1

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