Show Notes

In this week’s show we interview tech savvy Justin Gilchrist who is the co-founder of Centurica, an agency that provides due diligence and consulting services to online business investors.

Prior to Centurica he bought, built and sold a variety of online and offline businesses with a focus on web applications and ecommerce.

He is also the author of Digitally Wed – The entrepreneur’s guide to buying profitable established web-based businesses.

He helps entrepreneurs take a shortcut to where they need to be, through acquiring an already established and profitable business and making it better.


Also in the show

Justin explains the sneaky loopholes to avoid when buying an online business so you don’t crash and burn.
Justin gives you case studies of why doing online due diligence can help you spot big flaws as well as opportunities to exploit for profit.
Learn the real reason most entrepreneurs’ don’t hit the floor running like the Cubans, Zuckerberg’s and Branson’s of this world.
Discover the best formula for dealing with what seems like insurmountable problems and negative circumstances in your business.  It’s as simple as turning on a light switch inside your brain.
Hear how you can make a loss of money on the front end customer acquisition and still make good profit if you include a certain type of revenue stream in to business operation.

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Recommend Books

Do More Faster: TechStars Lessons to Accelerate Your Startup by Brad Feld and David Cohen
The Intelligent Entrepreneur: How Three Harvard Business School Graduates Learned the 10 Rules of Successful Business by Bill Murphy


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