Show Notes

Our guest in today’s show is none other than “Mr Tom Hopkins”

He has earned the reputation of being America’s #1 “How-To” Sales Trainer. Over 5 million salespeople, entrepreneurs, and sales managers on 5 continents have benefited from his training events.

He perfected his selling skills during his 8-year real estate career in which he received numerous awards. In his last year selling real estate, he sold 365 homes – an average of one per day – something that was unheard of at the time and has rarely been matched even today.


Also in the show

Since that time, he has developed and customised his proven-effective selling skills for over 250 industries.
He has authored 18 books on the subjects of selling and success. Over 2.9 million copies of those bookshave been read by sales pros the world over.
He has dedicated his life to helping sales and marketing professionals improve their communication skills and increase sales revenues.
Tom explains the real reason why so many people hate selling and salespeople and what they can do to fix the ill feeling…
Hear Tom’s story of going from college dropout and backbreaking construction worker to holding his real estate licence at age 18 and finding a mentor that kick started his selling career after a slow start.
Tom explains how he became a sort after trainer when he sold 365 proprieties in one year in the real estate industry which was unheard of for young man in his twenties.
Tom gives you an overview of the 7 fundamental skills you need to master to become a sales Professional.
Tom puts into context why some people are better at selling intangible and tangible product services.
Tom explains his simple formula of how to find good calibre sales people (and it has nothing to do with having the gift of the gab).
Find out the most common question he gets asked about sales (he got asked this when he appeared on the Larry King Live Show)
Discover the three people that Tom would enjoy having round to dinner to break bread and mastermind with.
Hear the thoughts of Tom on how technology is impacting the sales process.
Hear Tom’s answer to Leon’s question about how much time you should dedicate to honing the skills of selling.

Success Quote

I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment

Recommend Books

Mastering the art of selling by Tom Hopkins
The official Guide To Success by Tom Hopkins
Low Profile Selling: Act Like a Lamb… Sell Like a Lion by Tom Hopkins


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