Next Episode: Redwork / Bluework

Something completely different. This episode is a short story about leadership, communication, and collaboration.


(00:00) - 080 - Project Banana
(00:37) - Project Banana
(03:38) - Launch Day
(07:10) - Preflight Checks
(08:02) - Deploy the Proxy
(11:27) - ANDON!
(14:55) - Collaborate
(26:40) - The Coach
(32:46) - Complete
(35:50) - Improve

Learn MoreπŸš€ New listener? Start with the introduction.🧭 Get your FREE Guide to software delivery excellenceβ˜•οΈ Small Batches #80: Project Bananaβ˜•οΈ Small Batches #77: Managing to Learnβ˜•οΈ Small Batches #76: The Coaching HabitπŸ“˜ Leadership is Language

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