www.greeningofstreaming.org - a not for profit members organisation focussing the streaming industry on developing joined-up engineering strategies .
a not for profit members organisation focussing the streaming industry on developing joined-up engineering strategies to reduce energy waste in the delivery infrastructure - today welcomes as a new member!
Cognizant helps companies modernise technology, reimagine processes and transform experiences so they stay ahead in a fast-changing world.
We are committed to reducing our own carbon footprint, and using our expertise to help our clients and associates do the same.
“We recognise that businesses are interdependent with the world’s social and environmental systems. Businesses can thrive only if society prospers and the natural environment is protected.”— Brian Humphries, Chief Executive Officer
Dom Robinson, Founder of Greening of Streaming, commented: "Cognizant are hugely influential in helping many in our sector think about their strategy, and we look forward to active input from Cognizant as we drive our various Working Groups forward. We are both very excited about the long term possibilities to help develop and drive energy related best practice through the streaming industry."
To find out about becoming a member reach out to