This session will review the latest evidence for resuscitative hysterotomy (aka perimortem cesearean section), in light of the latest ACLS guidelines. Is there really evidence for the 4 minute rule? How fast do we need to do this? Terrified of this risky procedure? Come learn some practical tips for getting through this as effectively as possible. No time for the whole podcast? Check out these quick links and references:
• This one has many details of the procedure itself.
• Great review of the procedure, nice FOAM resources at the end
• Includes links to the videos below.
• Prefer a review article? This is a great review of the science on maternal cardiac arrest and PMCD (PMID 24797653)
• An excellent review of published cases is here (PMID 22613275), describing the details of timing of PMCD as it relates to maternal and neonatal survival