Mike talks all about the Lazy DMs Companion and takes questions from Twitch. Join the Kickstarter here!


Show Contents

00:00 Intro
2:27 Will there be a hardcover version of the Handbook?
3:20 How come no stretch goals?
6:25 Is the hardcover of Return different?
8:56 Have you thought about combining the three books into one?
14:56 Who are the artists behind this great art?
16:25 How useful do you expect it to be for other systems and editions?
19:40 Will the shipping cost change?
20:20 Is the book future proof?
27:40 Will there be any changes to the Lazy Combat Encounter Guide?
31:46 What do you know about 6e?
32:37 Is there something you wanted in the book that didn't make it?
36:16 Have I started my next book? NO!
37:07 Ever considered WOTC-hardcover-focused guides and products?
39:20 Does the Lazy DM's Companion include downtime activities? No.
40:22 Will the book be available on Amazon? Yes. Mid to late next year after backers get theirs.
41:34 Do you have an "Appendix N" of inspirational resources? Yes!!
44:13 Have you considered adding indexes to your books? No, but I will now!
46:02 When do you get your stuff?
49:15 How is your day going?
52:52 Are you planning any appearances on YT/Twitch channels?
53:31 Would you ever consider streaming a one-shot if the campaign did crazy numbers?
54:59 Would you rather fight one horse-sized kobold or a hundred kobold-sized horses?
55:15 What is your favourite Monte Cook supplement or product?
55:47 How much for you to hand deliver the books?
56:22 Any plans on an audiobook version?
58:11 Have you thought of tabs for quick reference?
58:54 Will their be epub versions of Return and Ruins of Grendleroot in it?
59:36 What type of content is in the Lazy DM's Companion?