Mike offers some thoughts and shares some experiences on the topic of what it takes to "make it" in the D&D and RPG industry. No magic bullets here but hopefully some useful thoughts on the topic.

00:01:03 What does "Making It" Mean to You?
00:04:30 Advice is Bullshit
00:06:28 The Duality of Optimism and Pragmatism
00:09:46 Practical Advice (oops)
00:13:07 Use Lots of Platforms
00:14:38 The Marketing Funnel
00:21:33 The Value of Email Newsletters
00:28:09 Getting Attention - Go Wide
00:28:42 What About Podcasting?
00:32:17 What About Conventions?
00:33:59 Consistency + Visibility. Both Are Important.
00:38:13 40% Find Me Through YouTube
00:43:17 What Products Should One Make?
00:54:37 RPG Writer's Workshop
00:56:22 Where Do You Sell Your Stuff?
01:08:37 Final Thoughts (NOT ADVICE!)

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