Today's guest is Eric Stephenson, one of the brewers at Falling Down Beer Company in Warren, MI. Eric and I actually met in the beginning of this year when my brother Matt and I were talking about me starting this podcast while having a couple beers at One Eyed Betty's in Ferndale. It was nice to finally be able to sit down and talk to him. Mark, one of the owners of Falling Down Beer Company was supposed to join us, but he wasn't feel to well. So I hope Mark is feeling better and I hope to get him on an episode sooner rather then later.

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Slurred Words is apart of the Tangent Bound network and can be found on my website, or on iTunes, SoundCloud, and Stitcher Radio. Feel free to join in the conversation on twitter and instagram @BillsBeerReport or email me at [email protected]. Remember to rate and review this episode on iTunes or any other listening app.

Thanks again to Son Step for the theme music.