Have you ever wanted to be good at Netrunner? Well, the Slums can't help you there, but with the help of our special guest Spags, we can help you enter the Netrunner meme pantheon. Tune in this episode to hear about: great meme playmats in Netrunner history, shaming multinational gaming corporations for fun and profit, and the long theorized but never-before-observed Ambush Beef.


Playmats and photos mentioned this episode: https://imgur.com/a/C7SUOdv
Rat-a-tat-Lat: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/60872/rat-a-tat-lat


If you have questions or comments, you can find us on Stimslack or Twitter:

@neuropantser (Stimslack/Twitter)
@orbital_tangent (Stimslack)/@OrbitalTangent (Twitter)