The last Slumscast scoopscast generated a fair bit of controversy. It would be inappropriate not to acknowledge it. We at the Slumscast can own up to our mistakes. We listen. We learn. We change. And in that vein, I would like to announce that we have responded to the biggest complaint from the past scoops season here in Parhelion:

We have made the episode even longer.

Ok, ok, fine. No more jokes or memes this week, because we're doing something pretty cool with the new scoops. In past scoops episodes, we've interviewed one person who helped make the cards and gone deep on their function -- what is designing cards like, how did those philosophies play into the specific cards we're scooping, and so on. Those have been some of our favorite conversations in the entire run of the Slumscast.

But at the same time, they do leave us feeling like we're missing something--we're only getting one insider look into the cards, and there are facets of the cards that a single angle can't bring light to. This scoopsmas, we're declaring a miracle on 34th street in Nanisivik and talking to not one, not two, not three, but four people who helped make these cards happen. Join us as we go into unprecedented depth on four Jinteki scoops:

Art Director Banknote details the finer points of getting the right illustration for a Netrunner card by zooming in on these cards' art.
Narrative Director Anzekay spills the lore on what these cards mean for Jinteki in the Parhelion story... and Jinteki's creations.
Rules Manager Jamie Perconti (InfiniteNutshell) illuminates the text of these cards, explaining some of their finer interactions with the rules of the game.
Associate Developer Bilby reveals which cards went through a bevy of changes during development, which cards were born perfect with no mistakes, and which cards we should expect to see winning the next World Championship.


See the scooped cards (alternate: dril version) in all its glory
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@neuropantser (Stimslack/Twitter)
@Orbital Tangent (Stimslack)/@OrbitalTangent (Twitter)

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