This week's guest, Barry McIlheney, grew up in Oldpark in North Belfast and became singer (or as he puts it, 'chief shouter in front') in a punk band with a bunch of school mates (including Davy McClarnon who's still about today) called Shock Treatment.

For Barry Mac, as he is known these days, punk was a 'coming-out' more than 'shell shock' period, in which he learned he had a talent for writing and entertaining through the sheer exuberance and the torching of any notion of the right way of doing things.

After punk died, he worked in the Oldpark library (where he had "once learned to read, and therefore write") before moving to London for a journalism course at City University. Four years later he was editor of the big insurgent title of that era, Smash Hits.

Throughout his career, Barry played a key role in some of the biggest magazine titles in the world, including being the founding editor of Empire Magazine.  The rest, as they say, is history, much of which you'll find in this week's edition of #CargoOfBricks...

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