It`s finally here folks! Less than 24 hours away. Jason over at UpinthisBrain is going to release episode 400 of the UpinthisBrain podcast and it will mark the beginning of the 5th installment of the 12 Podcasting Days of Christmas. … Continue reading →

It`s finally here folks! Less than 24 hours away. Jason over at UpinthisBrain is going to release episode 400 of the UpinthisBrain podcast and it will mark the beginning of the 5th installment of the 12 Podcasting Days of Christmas. Something that I know that we have ALL been waiting for.

So. This is the last that you will here from me here, for now. I turn the next 12 days of podcasting over to my esteemed colleague (Armpit) Jason and I know that he will do better than me for the next 12 podcasting days.

Thank you for bearing with me and my crazy idea. Thanks to everyone who contributed and to everyone who bothered to listen. If I don`t speak to you before Christmas or the New Year, I hope that you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Thank you for your friendship, camaraderie, understanding and patience.  I love you all and I bid you Peace, Joy and Happiness this season and for all seasons to follow.

Take care and take care of each other,


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