Gulé Sheikh is a former entrepreneur and CTO of EazyScripts, an E-Prescribing platform that prioritizes patient health outcomes, prescription efficiency, and provider-to-patient transparency in telehealth. After studying computer science in the 90s, she found her true passion – improving the U.S healthcare system and helping the people who depend on it.

This week on The Beauty Standard, Gulé reflects on her 23 years of experience in the healthcare and technology fields. She tells all about her journey as a first-time female entrepreneur in a male dominated field, how she found investors who believed in her ideas, and why A.I may be the future of healthtech.

Nicole and Gulé discuss their shared interest in technology and experiences as strong female voices in their respective industries. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, interested in healthtech, or just love a good success story, this episode is sure to give you a boost in productivity!

Discussed in this Episode:

Best resources for finding investors
The complexities of the healthcare industry
Patient and provider transparency
Gulé’s experience as a first time entrepreneur
Being a female entrepreneur in a male dominated industry
A.I in healthtech
EazyScripts and its purpose

Connect with Gulé:


Twitter @GuleSheikh