Previous Episode: Conference Hacks

Benedicte pitches her latest side project to a database startup. Benedikt gets an interesting question from his mentee.

Read Benedikt and Jesse’s back and forth about shipping updatesPrune Your FollowsCampfire Labs – a content companyTraction – a book by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin MaresFirst Ruby FriendSenior Engineer Mindset – a book by Swizec Teller

Benedikt and the Userlist team are putting the finishing touches on their message composer, which will be deployed to projection very soon. He also met with his First Ruby Friend mentee this week and got an interesting question: how do you become a senior developer?

Benedicte just pitched her latest side project, Prune Your Follows, to a database startup and will be having a meeting with them later this week. This new opportunity has gotten her excited about the prospect of turning future side projects as viable lines of business.

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