What better way to kick off Women’s History Month than by learning about an organization dedicated to empowering women? Her Best Life is a community of women - entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, and leaders who amplify each others' voices and ideas to create a compassionate, collaborative environment for like minded women. After traveling the world with 10 of her closest and most inspiring friends, Seychelle and the other founders of Her Best Life decided to spread their message of empowerment, resilience, and community to other strong willed women.

Topics Discussed:

Her Best Life - how it came to be, its mission
Finding your own personal superpower
Why community amongst women in male dominated fields is essential for success
Her Best Life plans for 2023
Battling economic barriers for women in business

Connect with Seychelle and Her Best Life:

Seychelle Van Poole Instagram

Her Best Life Website

Connect with Nicole Gregory:

Urban You



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